• TIG India | Seo Services India | SMO Services India

    About TIG India Services Provide

    Technology Integration Group (TIG) is an IT based firm having specialization in e-commerce and web solutions. The company ensures of providing the best services in the IT field. TIG India makes use of skill, expertise and professionalism as the most important tools for delivering its services to the clients...

  • Search Engine Optimization Services

    Search Engine Optimization Services

    Do you lack clicks on your website? Are you losing potential customers on every day basis? The solution to these problems lies with search engine optimization. With the help of search engine optimization (SEO) services, a website is made visible to a large chunk of people. This would help a great deal in flourishing the business of an enterprise, by way of getting more and more customers., ...

  • Social Media Optimization Services India

    Social Media Optimization

    There are two methods of website optimization, viz SMO and SEO, i.e. Social Media Optimization and Search Engine Optimization. Social media optimization (SMO) is a unique method of organizing social media activity so as to attract exclusive visitors to website content. ...

  • Pay per Click Advertising Services India

    Pay per Click Advertising Services

    The era of internet marketing is growing day by day. After the introduction of "Google Adwords", "Pay Per Click Advertising" is gaining huge popularity. Pay Per Click (PPC) is these days ruling the internet market. PPC has really become a smart and effective way of reaching the business and the customers...

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Services India!

SEO Services India | Seo Company India  | SEO Expert Services IndiaDo you lack clicks on your website? Are you losing potential customers on every day basis? The solution to these problems lies with search engine optimization. With the help of search engine optimization (SEO) services, a website is made visible to a large chunk of people. This would help a great deal in flourishing the business of an enterprise, by way of getting more and more customers. With the help of a SEO services company, the website of any company can be brought at the top of the search websites, thus helping to beat the opponents in the same field. A business would be able to reach millions of customers online with the help of SEO Services India.

TIG is a decent SEO Company India, where decent and effective SEO strategies are followed, so as to bring the website of any company on the top most pages of Google and other renowned search websites. An online presence of a company would be created in a natural manner with the help of the SEO services provided at TIG.

The team at TIG is expert in providing SEO services India, thus optimizing the website in a well planned manner, taking into account the search engine preferences and algorithms. The team’s main aim is to focus on promoting the brand of your business among social platforms, and increase the traffic towards the website, so as to enhance the sales and ROI of business.

The website of a company would definitely be able to get placement among the top pages on various search engines. Also, the website would stay on the top pages for a long period of time, thus helping to attain maximum promotional benefit.

Expert Seo Services India

Seo Company Services India | Internet Marketing ServicesPeople think that it would be easier and affordable to allow a freelancer to handle their SEO project, rather than an established SEO India Company. Although that may seem like a more viable option, hiring a freelancer for this essential marketing element can have a devastating impact on your site-and your ranks. The advantages of using services of SEO experts India far outweigh the costs. Not only does a trusted Search Engine Company have extensive knowledge and experience, but they’ll also be able to set-up proven methods and search engine optimization campaigns to get your site ranked high. A freelancer will probably not have the background and extensive experience that a Search Engine Company like www.tigindia.com will possess. Often, it is critical to see the past results and references of a firm before choosing them to do your work. Undoubtedly, a freelancer will not be able to present an entire portfolio of past results and clients. Another issue an individual contractor may have is the crucial time element. As a single person versus an actual company, he or she may simply not have the time, staff, or resources available to get your site ranked properly.

For example, an actual SEO firm India will have the availability of dedicated staff members and can devote an entire team to your site if it requires a large amount of dedicated SEO experts India. Try asking a freelancer for an entire team of dedicated SEO experts. What’s more, a freelancer is not going to have the financial stability as that of a full-service SEO agency India. What does this mean to you? SEO is all about longevity and is a long-term commitment. Chances are, your freelancer may move on to another job or freelance gig right after working on your site. Perhaps, even worse, they’ll leave before your site is even ranking in the top ten. With a dedicated SEO India company, you’re assured they’ll be there for the long-term and available to answer any questions you may have regarding your SEO or online marketing in general along the way. After all, that’s their business. In the end, an SEO experts India advantage over a freelancer is simply reliability. Remember that as time and your business goals change, so do your needs. And your needs won’t only change. They will also grow. There is no assurance that a freelancer will grow along with you, but with a good SEO agency India, this is guaranteed.

5 Important Tips for Beginners to Earn Business from LinkedIn

Social media platforms are playing a major role in the success of business and marketing online, and networks like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are helping people to build an effective web presence.

LinkedIn is a professional network which is used by professionals all around the world, and a primary place to create an effective web presence individually in your niche as well as for your business.

Here are some of important tips that you should be doing to get good business from LinkedIn:

1. Make sure to build your profile completely. Get your resume uploaded and fill in all the details. Also ask for recommendations from your superiors for your profile. If you are opening a LinkedIn account for your company, make sure it clearly identifies your business.

2. Enhance your settings so you can access your LinkedIn from any social media platform. Make sure that you have given both your company as well as personal emails addresses, to toggle for various correspondence.

3. Start your own professional group and gather members who are similar to your niche. This can be done by consistently updating your group with content (so it's a valuable group to join), as well as inviting others when relevant. Frequently asking and answering questions helps people know more about you personally and helps in developing group discussions.

4. Just because you maintain your own group doesn’t mean you shouldn't join other groups! Join in other groups to get constant updates about your business niche and learn from other experts in web. Try to answer questions posted by others.

5. Install some good applications such as Slideshare for presentations, Wordpress blogging, Amazon for books, and more. These applications help you update your profile regularly.

Specifically, Wordpress plugin posts your latest articles from your blog directly for others to view.

Start using LinkedIn for your business and start getting good number of leads through major social media platforms.

Best Backlink Campaigns SEO Tips

Well first οf аƖƖ Ɩеt’s ехрƖаіn whаt back-links ԁο. Back-links аrе basically links οn οthеr sites thаt point tο аnу раrt οf уουr website. Thе more οf thеѕе links уου hаνе іѕ thе more рοрυƖаr уουr site wіƖƖ bе аmοnɡ thе search engines. Nοt οnƖу thіѕ bυt dealing wіth thе bіɡɡеѕt search engine (Google) іt wіƖƖ аƖѕο greatly hеƖр wіth уουr PR whісh іѕ nοt a necessity bυt саn ɡrеаt fοr indexing уουr site fаѕtеr.

Sο hοw ԁο I develop a ɡοοԁ backlink library without paying someone tο ԁο іt fοr mе? Well thе first thing tο ԁο іѕ tο develop a backlink campaign. Sіnсе wе аrе dealing wіth thе scenario thаt уουr site іѕ nοt рοрυƖаr уеt іt’s going tο bе very unlikely thаt уου wіƖƖ hаνе a lot οf people adding links frοm уουr site tο theirs (backlinks), ѕο уου’ll hаνе tο hеƖр thаt. Thе two major places tο target аrе blogs аnԁ web directories.

Thеrе іѕ nο easy way tο develop 1,000 backlinks (unless уου’re willing tο shell out ѕοmе major green fοr thіѕ). Thаt іѕ whу I warn many people tο stay away frοm those whο offer backlinks (example: 8500 backlinks fοr $20). Thеѕе services ԁο nοt work bесаυѕе thе backlinks уου аrе getting аrе nοt οf a quality. It’s very trυе thаt іf уου ɡеt a backlink frοm a site Ɩіkе MSN οr WSJ.com іt wіƖƖ bе a lot more effective іn уουr SE (search engine) rankings thаn frοm a nο name website. Bυt іt’s next tο impossible tο ɡеt backlinks frοm major websites Ɩіkе thеѕе ѕο wе ɡο fοr thе next best thing.

Established websites wіth PR. WhіƖе PR іѕ nοt 100% necessary іt wіƖƖ greatly hеƖр. Wіth thаt ѕаіԁ here аrе ѕοmе helpful tips fοr developing a backlink campaign.

Find a list οf websites tο gain backlinks form. Thіѕ іѕ fаіrƖу easy tο ԁο. AƖƖ one needs tο ԁο іѕ Google terms such аѕ “PR3 blogs”, “PR5 blogs”, “sites tο build PR” etc аnԁ a list οf websites wіƖƖ come up thаt contain another list οf websites tο thаt one саn ɡеt backlinks οn. Now thіѕ wіƖƖ generally bе blogs аnԁ web directories. Bυt I advise blogs bесаυѕе thеу аrе visited bу real people аnԁ nοt јυѕt bots. Anԁ іf уου leave a ɡοοԁ comment οn thеm ten tο one chances уου аrе going tο hаνе a couple people click through tο уουr website.

Now thе websites уου want tο target especially аrе WordPress blogs. Thеѕе аrе аmοnɡ ѕοmе οf thе mοѕt SEO friendly sites οn thе net. Anԁ once thеіr PR іѕ ɡοοԁ (between 3-10) уου аrе 100% guaranteed thаt whеn a Google spider comes tο crawl thеіr pages thеу wіƖƖ take note οf уουr link.

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SEO - Should search engines matter in your campaign?

Today, I had a small epiphany related to SEO/SEM/Internet Marketing. Whatever you call it (I’ll call it SEO from here-on in), I mean in terms of getting as high as possible in the SERP's. The theory is a little offbeat but please bear with me. I’m sure many SEO purists will flame this, but hey, it’s only a theory.

The Theory

OK, here goes. When going about your next SEO campaign do something radical. Imagine, if you will, that Search Engines don’t exist. Just think of your Users’ experiences. Bizarre and suicidal are words which may be in your mind at this moment. Take the following statements into account, though.

  • The Search Engine’s primary function is to serve useful and relevant results to the user. The results that deliver satisfaction.
  • The website in question has a similar primary function: To give the User the information they are seeking. To satisfy the user.

These two statements are very similar, showing that the Search Engine and the User have similar goals. In essence, the Search engine is trying to deliver usable websites to the User. Anything else is simply wasted space. So wouldn’t it be interesting if Search Engines jiggled their algorithm and highly weighted usability/satisfaction.

Doesn’t SEO Cloud This?

So, back to SEO. With a highly demanding SEO campaign it is very easy to slip into the mentality of tailoring the website for Search Engines. Biasing the website a lot towards Search Engines will essentially mean that you are driving a wedge between the two statements above. All the hard work you think you are doing could be putting a strain on the User’s satisfaction. A loss of site satisfaction and who knows, a loss in SERPs placements.

But Search Engines don’t really detect usability at the moment

OK, this is up for debate. But I believe that Search Engines place most of their efforts into ranking websites based upon statistics - essentially their algorithm. I cannot see a way (besides mass user testing and feedback - costly) that the Search Engine giants can measure Usability and Satisfaction at this time. (Any ideas on this are more than welcome.)

So you could say that at this time, the theory doesn’t lend any solutions to the SEO company.

So how could we use this theory today then?

Using similar principles to the above and a fresh mentality, one could use the following questions to improve SEO and usability at the same time.

  1. Is the new feature/code/idea beneficial for the user?
  2. Will it help my SEO campaign?

If the answer to (1) is No, then go onto something else. If it’s Yes for (1) and (2), get it going!

Think of the effects

OK, not all SEO companies think solely about a website in terms of SEO. It would be farcical to claim this. The good companies focus on SEO but take into account the fact that websites cannot be over-optimized and the experience cannot be made poorer to accommodate SEO.

But imagine if all websites were made using the theory of usable sites encourage SEO instead of Let’s SEO it with regards to nothing else. Websites, and the Internet as a whole, would fast become a more enjoyable, satisfying experience regardless of whether it helped in the SERPs. Only good can come out of it.

And over to you

I’d really love to hear your thoughts on the above. Do you agree with the ideas put forward? Is this merely a hypothetical world?

Yes, the title may look like this post should be on an amateur blog and that it will be full of references to clip art and animated gifs, but this is serious. I’ve compiled a list of what I think are 25 ways to improve your website in as little time as possible. All can be done in a matter of minutes. Now, a website is hard work and usually there are no quick fixes but this list should provide you with a few pointers to make some updates today. If you like, it can also be used as a basis for a quality check document.


Because it matters. If people can’t use your site, they won’t stay.

  1. Navigation: Ensure that your navigation is easy to use and consistent. You may be able to use it, but could a newcomer find the information they desire?
  2. Search: If you don’t have a search box, then why not? Sometimes navigation isn’t enough. It may not be a 5 minute job to add a custom search facility, but it is extremely quick to add a third party search like Google's.
  3. Click here: Why? Change this phrase everywhere on your site. It doesn’t make sense out of context. The user has to read the whole paragraph (which they probably won't) understand why they should click there. Consider phrases like “Download the profit/loss graph” or “Listen to the podcast entitled food for thought.”
  4. Title & Alt Attributes: Use them how they are supposed to be used. If you haven’t used any at all, then a quick fix will be to start adding them to navigation and other elements on every page.
  5. General: If you’ve got any code snippets that could annoy the user, like resizing browser windows or opening new pages in a new window, then remove them. Just because you like something a particular way, your users may not. Don’t take over their desktop.

Search Engine Optimization - SEO

Because you want to be found. (On-page tips only here)

  1. Titles: Add consistent, relevant but different titles (title tag) to every page in your site. If you already have titles, check that they are short and describe the content of the page.
  2. Link around: Internal links to your pages (I’m thinking from the body copy here) are just as important as external links. Besides the usability gain, you have the unique opportunity of specifying your link and title text.
  3. Strengthen keywords: Probably the quickest thing you can do. Highlight some keywords and phrases and add a strong tag (bold) around them. This shouldn’t be overused but can provide some positive results if used sparingly.
  4. Headers: The correct use of headers (in a semantic, logical manner) can produce fantastic results. The H1 tag is the most important - try using some keywords in there.
  5. Overkill: It seems whenever I speak to someone about SEO and give them some tips, they go way overboard. This can really ruin all the hard work you’ve done for the user. So remember, optimize with the user in mind. And stay away from dodgy SEO stuff - every time you use black-hat SEO, a kitten steps on broken glass.

Design/Development Process

Design is our passion. Let it show.

  1. Images: By all means create beautiful images, but don’t forget to optimise them for the web. You may have a quick connection - not everybody does.
  2. Design comes from scratch(pad): Don’t necessarily fire up your graphics editor before thinking about the design. It can only take 10 minutes to draw (you know - pencil and paper) various layouts and wireframe the design. Doing this will make you think more about placement of elements and less about the aesthetics.
  3. Contrast/Text-size: Ensure that contrast levels and text sizes are ‘acceptable’ - There are no golden figures (although recommendations are available) to aim for but at least check with other people using different setups. Just because you have perfect 20:20 vision doesn’t mean that anyone can read your site.
  4. Consistency: There’s nothing worse (OK - an exaggeration, yes) than a website that doesn’t function consistently. A user can find it hard enough to learn how a website is put together without having to remember all the little quirks and foibles on your site.
  5. Testing: Check (or get others to check) the site under as many conditions as possible. Try to do this every time the site has a significant update. It’s worth it as it only takes a minute or two.


That’s why people visit the site.

  1. Text/Whitespace: There’s a big trap that often people fall into. Whitespace. How many times have you heard “we need to fill that space and cram the text in a bit more” ? More text in a single area isn’t a good thing. It can make it harder and less enjoyable to read the content. It you had a shop would you cram as many products in as possible? No. You’d let them have space so they get noticed. Do the same with your text.
  2. Write for your audience: Can people understand your text? Think about your audience and reword those confusing sentences.
  3. Corporate Boasting: Which is more useful ~ “We provide 200 megaunits of wobble-sprockets to our worldwide, global markets” ~ or ~ “We can provide a wobble-sprocket to you anywhere in the world.” Speak to the reader and engage them. Don’t waffle.
  4. Use interest: If someone has read an article or item of content, then it is fair to assume that they were interested. Instead of leaving them high-and-dry after an article, point them somewhere related, whether it be another article or a product perhaps.
  5. Objectives: When writing content, make a little mental note of what your goal is for the page (e.g. encourage registration) and try to guess what the users goal is (e.g. to get at information.) Match the two (e.g. “to find this information simply sign up”) and you’re golden.


Because it’s not all about you.

  1. Hang out: For reasons surrounding traffic and respect. Go to forums, blogs and portals within your niche and hang out. Offer advice, link up with people and gain respect. Doing this for 10 minutes a day will improve your image and lead to quality, niche-lead traffic. A bonus. Oh, and don’t spam your community.
  2. Learn: As well as handing out advice, listen. Whether it be listening to colleagues, competition or potential clients you are bound to learn an awful lot just by witnessing other people’s actions.
  3. Encourage viral promotion: Not particularly in a gimmicky-email-newsletter fashion (that takes budget and time) but in a social fashion. Tell your friends and colleagues (and clients if relevant) something unique about you, your company or website and chances are they’ll pass it on. 5 minutes of blabbering could lead to heaps of traffic.
  4. Be yourself: When interacting online, don’t conform to internet stereotypes - just be yourself. Doing this will mean that you are natural when interacting online and more likely to take a similar approach as you would offline. So, take your offline business ways online.
  5. Spam: As in don’t spam. Every time you spam, you are adding disrespect to your own company/site. It’s the real-world equivalent of pushing a leaflet into a potential customer’s mouth.

And there we go. I hope this list is useful and has shown you how easy it is to improve various aspects of your website and its marketing. This isn’t exhaustive by any means - as I said earlier it takes effort and time to really get your site near-perfect. Evolution is the key: tweak, feedback, measure and repeat. Oh, and before you go looking, no, I don’t always practice what I preach!

SEO Services India

Website Design

Web designing at TIG is really very imposing and exclusive. We follow a completely different approach while designing various kinds of websites. TIG is engaged in delivering creative web designing services. The manifestation of the websites is really impressive and attracts many clients towards them. A remarkable presence is left on the minds of the people after going through the websites designed by TIG. The major focuses of TIG are on customer satisfaction and user-friendly interface.

All the web designers of TIG are highly experienced and professional and would definitely leave no stone unturned to come upto your expectations. Our skilled web designers ensure of fulfilling the aspirations and requirements of your businesses in a remarkable manner. Anyone can rely on us for any kind of web design services. Unique and superior web designs would be placed in front of you by our creative and innovative web designers.

We aim to establish a strong online presence in this competitive world. We ensure world class assistance and timely deliveries, which are highly appreciated by our customers. The quality of our work is really superior and an individual would never repent for paying for our services. Reliability penetrates in all aspects of our web business. Our services and workflow are highly organized, which attract many customers.

TIG’s web designers keep on coming up with bright and new ideas. Great level of success would be attained in your business with the help of the web design services offered by TIG. The profitability and productivity of your business would be boosted up in a great way with the help of beautifully and professionally designed websites by our skilled and trained website designers.

Seo Services India

Do you lack clicks on your website? Are you losing potential customers on every day basis? The solution to these problems lies with search engine optimization. With the help of search engine optimization (SEO) services, a website is made visible to a large chunk of people. This would help a great deal in flourishing the business of an enterprise, by way of getting more and more customers. With the help of a SEO services company, the website of any company can be brought at the top of the search websites, thus helping to beat the opponents in the same field. A business would be able to reach millions of customers online with the help of SEO Services India.

TIG is a decent SEO Company India, where decent and effective SEO strategies are followed, so as to bring the website of any company on the top most pages of Google and other renowned search websites. An online presence of a company would be created in a natural manner with the help of the SEO services provided at TIG.

The team at TIG is expert in providing SEO services India, thus optimizing the website in a well planned manner, taking into account the search engine preferences and algorithms. The team’s main aim is to focus on promoting the brand of your business among social platforms, and increase the traffic towards the website, so as to enhance the sales and ROI of business.

The website of a company would definitely be able to get placement among the top pages on various search engines. Also, the website would stay on the top pages for a long period of time, thus helping to attain maximum promotional benefit.

The team at TIG is highly expert in providing SEO services to its clients. It first makes sure to analyze the website properly, and then determines the target market. Thereafter, a unique and exclusive SEO strategy is developed and implemented step by step.